Leveraging Technology To Give Your Business An Edge™

The Internet is Killing Your Business!

By on October 5, 2013 in Productivity

Did you know that the average employee wastes over 1 hour per day on websites that are non-work related? Even at a measly $10 dollars per hour pay rate that equates to over $50 per week. Over a year, that adds up to $2500. Per employee!!

Here are some of the worst  websites for wasting time: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, ESPN and more. What about online shopping?

One of our clients asked us to help stop this waste of valuable employee time. By doing a bit of sleuthing we were able to find out that each one of their employees was spending upwards of 45 minutes per day on these time wasting sites. A quick calculation for 10 employees gave us a round number of 37 hours per week LOST. That’s 1 full person!! An easy $25,000 being wasted. This amount comes directly out of profits.

We were commissioned to stop this wastage immediately. We proceeded to install a network appliance on their internet feed which controlled who had access to the internet and to which sites. This appliance also provides anti-virus, anti-malware software and prevents employees from downloading apps, screen savers, toolbars, etc. to their computers. Certain people in the organization were allowed open access and others only to specific sites.

As you can well imagine, productivity shot straight up. Now employees were doing their work instead of playing, shopping and chatting. Imagine how pleased management was when they saw the amount of work getting done increase.

Are you always in the office to supervise your employees? Do you know how much time are they wasting online?

We offer an onsite evaluation of your network. If we can’t show you how to save $100 per employee, the visit is free.

Contact us at 954-639-4879 now.

Megnet Systems, Inc.
“Leveraging Technology To Give Your Business An Edge™”

About the Author

About the Author: Mark G started Megnet Systems, Inc in 1989 after spending a number of years in the computer industry, most notably working for a prime-subcontractor to NASA. He has experience with all types of computer hardware and has proficiency in systems analysis, design and writing software applications. He also offers internet services including websites, search engine optimization and search engine marketing. His clients rely on him to keep their businesses running efficiently and he has become a trusted business adviser helping guide them to use technology to make them leaner, more efficient and therefore, more profitable. .


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